Adaptation /ˌadapˈtāSH(ə)n/


Adapting to something new is not an easy thing, right?

Adapting to new environtment..

Adapting with the taste of new food..

Adaptation to using new items..

Thats not easy and never be easy, we definitely need time to get used to all the new things.

As well as forgetting and trying to get used to new things without him who has been in our lives.

Everything that we already know about him, we have to throw away and forget

It's hard but it's a process. Love doesn't have to have right? People come and go. 

Confused because what are all the memories, important things about him that we know and fill our brains if in the end we have to lose them again. Love never be easy.

This is the time to adapt to continue to live the day without his presence.

Adapt that all the things you used to do with him, you have to do alone like the beginning again before you remember him.

Adapt to stay normal as you drive through your favorite street.

Adapt to stay normal as you enjoy the food you normally eat with it.

Adapt to still enjoy music casually without having to remember him when your both favorite song accidentally plays.

Adapt to stay normal through the day without having to tell him and complain about all the little things that you always complain about him.

Its hard, indeed.

But that process.


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Wasting Time.


/lo͞oz/ ; let